LocoList > UKMISC

Steam Railcar

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    • Replica Steam Locomotives
    • Replica Broad Gauge Steam Locomotives
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  • Metre Gauge Plus Steam
    • Metre Gauge and Larger Steam
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    • New-build Steam Locos
  • Broad Gauge Diesels
    • English Electric
    • Ruston Hornsby
  • Metre Gauge Plus Diesels
    • Metre Gauge and Larger Diesels
  • Imported Steam
    • Imported Steam
    • Imported Steam Broad Gauge
    • Imported Steam Metre Gauge and Larger
  • Imported Diesel
    • Imported Diesel
  • Imported Diesel Railcar
    • Imported Diesel Electric Railcar
  • Imported Electric
    • Imported Electric
  • Steam Railcar
    • Sentinel Railcar
    • Steam Railmotor
  • Electric Railcar
    • Liverpool Overhead Railway Motorcoach
    • NER Driving Motor Parcels Van
  • Flywheel/Battery Electric Railcar
    • Coventry VLR
    • Parry People Mover
    • Revolution VLR
  • Rail Cranes
    • Coles
    • Cowans Sheldon
    • Cravens
    • Grafton and Co
    • Joseph Booth
    • Kirow
    • Marshall Fleming
    • Plasser and Theurer
    • Ransome and Rapier Ltd
    • Stothert and Pitt
    • Taylor and Hubbard
    • Thomas Smith and Sons
    • Other Rail Cranes
  • Small On-Track Plant
    • Cometi
    • Permaquip
    • Robel
  • Personnel / Equipment Trolleys
    • Baguley/Drewery
    • Bance
    • Donfabs and Consillia
    • Fairmont Railway Motors
    • Geismar
    • Lesmac
    • Matisa
    • Permaquip
    • Wickham
    • Miscellaneous Trolleys
  • Road/Railer
    • Beaz-Solutions
    • Converted Road Vehicles
    • Miscellaneous Road/Railers
    • Noord Nederlandsche Machinefabriek
    • Platform Basket
    • Unilok
    • Zephir
  • Brake Tender
    • Brake Tender
  • Monorail
    • Metalair Ltd
    • Road Machines Ltd
    • Steam Monorail
    • Tourist Monorails
    • Various Other Monorails
  • Tracked Hovercraft
    • Tracked Hovercraft
  • Magnetic Levitation
    • MagLev
  • Airport Guided People Movers
    • Adtranz C-100
    • Doppelmayr Cable Liner
    • Innovia APM 100
    • Innovia APM 200
    • Ultra PRT

    UKMISC: Steam Railcar: Steam Railmotor

    Motor Luggage Van

    Midland Steam Railmotor

    This coach was built in Derby for the Midland Railway in 1904 as a Steam Rail Motor, it was a self propelled carriage with a boiler and steam engine in one end to drive it along. As an exercise in cost cutting on branch lines, it was ahead of its time and only lasted as a passenger rail motor until 1907, when it was converted into an Officers Saloon for directors and officials to observe the railway network from. In 1917 the boiler and engine were removed and it then was hauled by a conventional locomotive across the network when lines needed inspecting or special visits were made. It was preserved in 1968 and became a holiday home in Mid Wales until the NRM bought it in the late 1970s. It is unique as the only surviving steam rail motor coach from the Midland Railway. It is mahogany and teak and the rooms are as they were when it was an Officers Saloon. It has come to Chain Bridge Honey Farm from the National Railway Museum due to insufficient space, time or resources to ensure the vehicles future.

    Introduced 1904
    Withdrawn 1968
    Length 60ft
    Number Altnumber Status Note Livery Depot Base Owner
    2234 45010   S 4+0-4-0VBTR EX-STEAM RAIL MOTOR CONVERTED TO HAULED COACH Faded Maroon PR Chainbridge Honey Farm Transport Museum, Horncliffe PRE